Rate Limit

Rate Limit

A mechanism that limits request frequency/volume, preventing excessive use.

UI Components functionality are built on top of Auth0 Management API, which has rate limits based on subscription plans. Please refer to Auth0 Rate Limits for details and learn how to utilize them in your application.

The Reack Hooks and the NextJS Routers we provide have a basic built-in rate limit handling mechanism. You can use the helpers we provide to implement more advanced rate limit handling.


Rate Limiter

Simple rate limiting based which uses lru-cache.

/** * Rate limiting * * This is a simple rate limiting based on: * - */ import { LRUCache } from "lru-cache"; import { NextResponse } from "next/server"; type Options = { uniqueTokenPerInterval?: number; interval?: number; }; function rateLimit(options?: Options) { const tokenCache = new LRUCache({ max: options?.uniqueTokenPerInterval || 500, ttl: options?.interval || 60000, }); return { check: (limit: number, token: string) => new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => { const tokenCount = (tokenCache.get(token) as number[]) || [0]; if (tokenCount[0] === 0) { tokenCache.set(token, tokenCount); } tokenCount[0] += 1; const currentUsage = tokenCount[0]; const isRateLimited = currentUsage >= limit; return isRateLimited ? reject() : resolve(); }), }; } const limiter = rateLimit({ interval: 2 * 1000, uniqueTokenPerInterval: 500, }); export function withRateLimit(handler: any) { return async (req: Request, res: Response) => { try { // Note: Update the limit and token as needed await limiter.check(10, process.env.LRU_CACHE_TOKEN!); return await handler(req, res); } catch (error) { return NextResponse.json( { error: "Rate limit exceeded" }, { status: 429 } ); } }; }