Basic Info

Basic Info

Displays essential user details, including name and nickname, providing a quick glance at user information.



Install the following dependencies:

npx shadcn-ui@latest add card input label

Copy and paste the following code into your project.

"use client"; import { Card, CardContent, CardDescription, CardHeader, CardTitle } from "@/components/ui/card"; import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input"; import { Label } from "@/components/ui/label"; interface KeyValueMap { [key: string]: any; } export default function BasicInfoForm({ user }: { user: KeyValueMap }) { const name =; const email =; const nickname = user.nickname; const phone = user.phone_number; return ( <Card className="w-full"> <CardHeader className="p-4 md:p-6"> <CardTitle className="text-lg font-normal">General</CardTitle> <CardDescription></CardDescription> </CardHeader> <CardContent className="p-4 pt-0 md:p-6 md:pt-0"> <div className="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 gap-4"> <div className="grid items-center gap-1.5"> <Label htmlFor="name">Name</Label> <Input disabled type="name" id="name" placeholder="Name" defaultValue={name} /> </div> <div className="grid items-center gap-1.5"> <Label htmlFor="email">Email</Label> <Input disabled type="email" id="email" placeholder="Email" defaultValue={email} /> </div> <div className="grid items-center gap-1.5"> <Label htmlFor="nickname">Nickname</Label> <Input disabled type="nickname" id="nickname" placeholder="Nickname" defaultValue={nickname} /> </div> <div className="grid items-center gap-1.5"> <Label htmlFor="phone">Phone</Label> <Input disabled type="phone" id="phone" placeholder="(415) 555-5555" defaultValue={phone} /> </div> </div> </CardContent> </Card> ); }

Update the import paths to match your project setup.